During the 1980's and 1990's a number of publications were produced that detail the history of Chailey, including St Peter's Church. Six of these are available below (with the kind permission of Mrs Teresa Wenban, daughter of the late Edwin Matthias, former Rector of this Parish).These are quite large files, so please be patient when downloading them.
A History of Chailey Parish Magazine
Celebrating Chailey
Chailey Through The Centuries
An updated version of this is available at a very reasonable price of £2 and can be found on the book table under the notice board in church.
An updated version of this is available at a very reasonable price of £2 and can be found on the book table under the notice board in church.
Historical Notes on the Parish of Chailey
Not Many People Know That!
This and That in Chailey and Barcombe