The Bell Ringers

St Peter's Bell Ringing
Recently, the number of bell ringers at St Peter's has reduced, for various reasons, to
the point where there is a real prospect that the bells will be silent on some Sundays
or, possibly, permanently. We need to recruit new ringers and they would be made very
welcome in the Tower.
We ring 9.25am – 9.55am on Sundays and practice 8.00pm – 9.00pm on Monday
evenings, for an hour. In the past, we have trained new ringers from 7.30 on Mondays,
but during October, there is an opportunity for longer sessions.
We all learn at different speed, some ringers take a while to master handling a bell,
while others can, literally, control it in one session. Usually it takes a few weeks, but bell
ringing is not diffi cult to pick up and an interesting pastime.
If you would like to learn, or fi nd out what is involved, please phone Brenda Matthews on
01825 723978 and we can give you more details.The bell tower houses six bells: the first five were installed in 1737 and a sixth was added in 1910. The tenor bell weighs eight hundredweight and the treble three and a half hundredweight.
There is a team of ringers which meets for an hour's practice on Mondays at 8pm and rings at 9.30am on Sundays, before the 10am service, and for weddings. The team comprises mainly inexperienced, but enthusiastic, ringers.
We always welcome new ringers to join the team to ensure that we have six ringers available on Sundays and for weddings. If you are interested, whether you have rung before or not, please visit the tower during practice on a Monday evening.
Read more about the bells here.
Tower Captain is Katharine Matthews. For further details please contact Brenda Matthews on 01825 723978